Max Koprulu Hernandez

English as a Second Language Teacher
Max Koprulu Hernandez
Hi! Isn't English a crazy language? I sure think it is. My name is Max Koprulu Hernandez, and I am a Canadian living in Mexico as well as a university student who is currently working and studying English as a second language education. I can speak Spanish, French, and English. I have a C1 level of English, as I’m a native speaker, and an intermediate level of Spanish and French. I love to create dynamic and engaging classes. Language learning is something everyone can do with the right supports, and I am an educator who can provide those supports, whether emotional or educational. I'm also currently developing a Conversation Club curriculum using real-world materials as the focus. I also research and write, and you can see more of that on my website. I'm interested in applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, learning difficulties, bilingual education, and implicit and explicit learning. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out on LinkedIn.
ESL Education Student Representative Counselor
Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
Oct 2022 - Present (6 months)
ESL Education Students Reprisentative on the Social Sciences and Humanities Council.
Research Assistant
Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
Jan 2023 - Present (3 months)
Researching Implicit and Explicit Learning
English Second Language Teacher
Speakers English Center
Sep 2022 - Present (7 months)
English Second Language Teacher
Pro English
Jul 2022 - Sep 2022 (3 months)
Jasper Place High School
High School Diploma
Sep 2018 - Jun 2020
Research • Translation • English as a Second Language (ESL) • Teaching • Graphic Design •
Teaching English as a Second Language
Honors & Awards
Honor Roll - Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
Nov 2022
An Award for High Average for the 3rd Semester.